We strongly encourage submissions that reflect a broad and inclusive definition of design excellence. As submissions are subject to varying degrees of opportunity, constraint, and budget, each entry is judged for the success with which it has met its individual requirements. Submissions must exhibit design achievement that demonstrates exemplary skill and creativity in the resolution and integration of formal, functional, and technical requirements, including ecological stewardship and social responsibility. Submissions should also reflect a strong sense of place, history, or purpose as an integral part of its demonstrated design excellence.



Jurors will select a single entry from among all submissions, non-dependent of category, to receive this unique recognition as the best submission of that year’s Architecture Awards. This project will be a focus of the Chapters awards and design marketing for the following year and if desired by the submitting architecture firm, will be submitted for AIANYS award consideration.



Jurors will select up to three submissions from among all the entries, non-dependent of category to be recognized at a level of achievement that warrants special recognition. 



Jurors will select a single project in each category for recognition of distinguished achievement from all submissions within that category. Merit awards will be awarded to submission categories that do not have a recipient of either a Design Award or the Buffalo/WNY Architecture Award.



Jurors will select a single project, non-dependent of category to be recognized for not only its design excellence but also scale, or more preciously lack thereof. What defines a small project will be at the discretion of the jury based on the scale of projects submitted.



Selected by a jury from the Buffalo Architecture Center, this award will recognize a single project non-dependent of category, which represents both good design and has had a positive impact of the vitality of the Buffalo/WNY region. Design Award or the Buffalo/WNY Architecture Award winners will not be given consideration in the category.


The Student Project Award is open to an unbuilt project designed by a student within the last two semesters, which includes Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. The project cannot be affiliated with an architecture firm. Projects must successfully demonstrate design solutions that exhibit innovation, skill, and sensitivity in the resolution of functional and technical requirements.

Please note that Awards are recognized at the discretion of that year’s Jury.